This is an absentee owned marina, situated on long-term USACE leasehold property. The strategic location helps bolster demand for the marina’s various profit centers. The 300+ boat slips are at full occupancy, with a waitlist. All improvements are in great condition, with no deferred maintenance issues. Ownership has recently undertaken a major Capex overhaul, with both new and fully refurbished docks, a new floating ships store/restaurant and new fuel systems. The Marina offers covered boat slips, land-side dry boat storage, fuel, boat rentals, boat service and repair, an internally operated restaurant, and an on-site boat ramp.
The Seller believes that there is potential to add more slips, pending approval from the USACE. Slip rental demand is already in-place, as the marina is at full occupancy, with a waitlist.
Demand for additional boat lifts is consistent, making sale and installation of boat lifts a good source of additional future income.
The popular boat rental fleet is in great demand, making it prime for expansion and increased boat rental revenue.